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Symptoms and Treatments of Colon Cancer

Cancer, which starts at the large intestine, is known as colon cancer. Typically, this cancer is more prevalent in older adults, but it can happen to anyone irrespective of their age. Cancer starts as a benign cluster of cells known as polyps that appear on the interiors of the intestine or colon. So, here, we’ll discuss some common symptoms and treatments of colon cancer. Symptoms Unfortunately, in the initial stages, colon cancer might not showcase any signs. However, if there are any symptoms experienced in the initial stages, it would be: Diarrhea Constipation Changes in the color of the stool Presence of blood or blood spots in the poop Changes in the shape of the stool; probably narrowed stool Excessive gas Rectum bleeding Abdominal pain Abdominal cramps Whenever you notice either one or more of these symptoms, and they remain persistent for a while, you should consult a doctor and undergo a screening for colon cancer. Symptoms in Stage 3 and Stage 4 As discussed, colon cancer usually showcases more prominent symptoms in the later phase, which are Stage 3 and Stage 4. So, besides the symptoms listed above, you could also experience a few additional symptoms such as: Unwanted weight loss Excessive fatigue Indecipherable weakness Changes in the appearance of the stool, which lasts over a month Vomiting Feeling that your bowels haven’t been completely emptied Symptoms when colon cancer aggravates and spreads to other body parts: