Tips to Resist Tobacco Cravings

Tips to Resist Tobacco Cravings

When you just quit smoking, the next few days will be a sort of a battle for you. Every moment of your day would be consumed in one thought, the persistent urge of smoking. If you have been a smoker for a while, you’ll usually notice that, all cravings last about five minutes. They’ll start strongly, but if you wait, they’ll gradually fade away.

Ways to resist tobacco cravings
The best plausible approach is to fight with your cravings one at a time as they kick in. So, when the desire arises, you have to interrupt your thought process. Here, we have some important tips to resist tobacco cravings that might be helpful for you.

  • Step out and go for a run or a walk
    When you are sitting still, your emotions tend to take the better of you. So, stop sitting, stand up, and walk around for a while. If possible, head out, and go for a quick run, or a walk just around your block. Breathe in some fresh air. It would undoubtedly subside your cravings.
  • Head on to one mental vacation
    So, to go on a vacation mentally, all you need to do is shut your eyes, create a situation or a place in your head that is soothing and distracts you from your thoughts. It will relieve you of the discomfort, which you are experiencing as a result of this sudden urge of cigarette smoking. It is an excellent stress-relieving technique that you can easily follow in a quiet room that is not too bright. Use this technique when your emotions are getting the better of you.
  • Hydrate
    During the day, you might get dehydrated if you do not consume adequate water. When you are dehydrated, you feel anxious, and this can stimulate your urge to smoke. So, whenever you feel the urge kicking in, you can take some water and gulp it down.
  • Divert yourself with a hobby
    Quitting smoking or restricting your urge is attainable with a meaningful distraction. So, look for something that you enjoy doing. It could be reading some pages of a novel, solving a puzzle, playing your guitar, or doing anything that can keep you engaged for a bit when this urge starts.
  • Talk to a friend
    One of the best tips to resist tobacco cravings is not being alone in it. So, whenever you feel the urge of smoking, call up a friend, and talk to them. You don’t necessarily have to discuss your smoking urge. Instead, you can have meaningful conversations to divert your mind and instill positive thoughts. Share some good feelings, plan a vacation, or talk about anything that helps you keep your mind off smoking.
  • Eat some healthy snacks
    At times, the urge to smoke is predominantly because of the drop in your sugar levels. So, it could rather be craving for something sweet and not tobacco. Hence, next time you feel an urge, grab a healthy snack – maybe some yogurt, fruit, peanut butter, or anything that is healthy and subsides your urge to smoke.