Tips to Manage Credit Score

Tips to Manage Credit Score

It can be tough to rebuild your credit. This is your attempt to make the credit card-issuing companies and lenders believe that even though there were a few slip-ups, you will make all your future payments in time. Thus, you need to know about the different ways to rebuild your credit fast.

Here, we have come with some easy tips to rebuild your credit score.

  • Fix the errors in your credit report
    Though you might not know, errors in the credit report are quite common. Hence, you don’t have to always take the bad credit on its face value. So, getting an error removed from your credit report is easily the fastest way of rebuilding your credit score. For this, you can request all the Credit Reporting Agencies (CRAs) for a credit report and carefully examine the reasons as to why your credit score is low. If there’s an error, you have to inform the CRA about it, and then CRA will reply to you in 30 days of the filing of the dispute. The credit score will improve as soon as the error is fixed.
  • Pay your bills in time
    Next, and the most obvious way to rebuild your credit fast is by repaying your bills in time. In case you aren’t able to manage to repay the entire liabilities, pay whatever little is manageable. If you aren’t even able to pay the minimum balance, get in touch with the creditor, and see if any arrangements are possible. This is quintessential because your payment history has a huge impact on the credit score. So, whenever you are trying to fix your credit score, you cannot have late payments reported in your credit report. It is important to know that the late payments will be included in the report for seven years. Hence, you should never omit your bill payments.
  • Try paying at least twice in a month
    If you are paying your balances in time as required every month, your creditors will intimidate the CRA about it just once a month. Let’s understand this with an example.
    You have your credit card, and you are regularly making use of it and reaching your credit limit throughout the month. So, the statement that you get will put forth your balance. Now, even if you have made the payment in full, it will depict that you are absorbing 100% of the balance available on the card. On the other hand, if you make payments twice, you are breaking up this payment. In this manner, you keep your card’s balance much lower than what it had been if you paid just once a month.