Tips For Buying Healthy Cat Treats

Tips For Buying Healthy Cat Treats

Pet food stores have dozens of varieties of cat food and cat treats. And you might pick a brand because the packaging is attractive, or because the advertisement is heartwarming, or simply because a particular cat treat is on sale. If you enjoy cooking and find the right ingredients, then you might be tempted to give your cats homemade treats fresh from your oven. But, hold on. Before you step out to buy the next stash of treats or start baking for your feline friend, keep these tips in mind.

Remember that treats are not food
Remember, you need to feed your cats wholesome, high-quality foods that provide them with energy and nutrition for a healthy life. Treats are only occasional indulgences that are offered in small portions once in a while. Your cat’s treats should not make up a principal portion of its diet. Check the calorie content of each treat, and feed these to your cat based on his age, weight, and activity level.

Be aware of dangerous foods
Milk, cheese, chocolate, raw foods like eggs, fish, bones, and meat, dog food, onion, garlic, tuna, alcohol, caffeine, raisins, grapes, and yeast are foods that are toxic for your cats. Do not feed him these even in small quantities or occasionally. Table scraps of human food also are not healthy for your pet cats because this could upset their digestive system and cause diarrhea. Do not yield to begging at the dinner table. Yes, even if he purrs and meows continuously or if he gives you one of those adorable big-eyed looks. Resist the temptation to feed him while you are eating or snacking. Either offer him his snacks at the same time or feed him before; that way, he would feel full and would not beg.

Make a low-calorie choice
When you buy ready-made cat treats or make snacks for your furry friend in your kitchen, make sure your choice is low-calorie. You could buy organic ingredients and cook simple, delicious treats at home, so you know what goes into your pet cat’s tummy.

Go easy on the serving
Remember the reasons why you are giving your cat these special treats. Whether it is a reward for good behavior, an appreciation for training, or a show of affection, remember that too many treats every day can make your cats put on weight like people do, and make them obese and unhealthy. Keep in mind the number of calories he is allowed to have to be healthy. Treats must not exceed 10% of the total calories he eats in a day. Moderation is the key here. Sometimes your cats develop a taste for the delicious treats you offer them and refuse to touch their food. So you must choose to make treats special and give them every once in a while.

Use treats as a reward for exercising
You can use treats for your cat as a reward for exercising, not as a measure of your love. Do not use cat treats as a substitute for your playtime or petting time. Use agility building exercises, or make him think and work for his treat. Let him exercise his brain; it would keep him alert mentally. In case your cat is overweight, then working out for his special treat makes sense. It would not add any surplus weight and also prevent obesity and other diseases related to it.