The Visual Signs of Prostate Cancer

The Visual Signs of Prostate Cancer

The prostate gland is in charge of semen production. Prostate cancer occurs when malignant cells form in the prostate, forming a tumor. Even though there is no known cause, factors such as age and family history have been known to influence its occurrence. If noticed early, prostate cancer can be easily treated and managed. However, if caught in the late stages, it may become metastatic, spreading to the nearby tissue, or rather break off and attack other body parts and bones.

Since it can be hard to detect, some of the symptoms of prostate cancer include:

1. Frequent urination or urination changes
The prostate gland is located around the bladder area. As the malignant cells grow, this enlargement impacts pressure on the bladder having it under constant compression, unable to hold even little amounts of urine. As a result, prostate cancer patients will always need to relieve themselves after short bursts of time, which can be inconvenient to their lifestyle and comfort.

2. The urge to urinate frequently at night
As the prostate gland enlarges, it is also known to close off the urethra. The enlarged gland makes the bladder contract more to push out urine, making it weak over time. A weak bladder is unable to hold in urine for long hours. A prostate cancer patient might find themselves going to the bathroom frequently at night, which might make them feel tired in the morning due to the many interruptions to their sleep cycle.

3. Blood in the urine or seminal fluid
Constant pressing of the enlarged prostate on the urethra might cause inflammation or irritation, leading to blood in the urine or seminal fluid. However, it has been known to happen in some instances for men, but it occurs more frequently with prostate cancer patients. Blood in the urine can cause some panic to the individual. Therefore, the affected person should seek out a diagnosis from a medical practitioner.

4. New Onset of erectile dysfunction
In some cases, an enlarged prostate might impede or close off blood flow to the penis by blocking off the blood vessels. For an erection to happen, proper blood flow to the penis is essential. When blood flow is impaired, it becomes hard for one to either have an erection or maintain it in the cases it occurs. It is rare and uncommon for men to experience this. However, with prostate cancer patients, it occurs more frequently in their sexual interactions hence affecting their confidence in the bedroom. In some cases, erectile dysfunction causes some strains on relationships since it becomes hard to meet their partners’ sexual needs. However, it is essential to note that erectile dysfunction can occur due to other things. If it happens, the diagnosis should be sought before jumping to the conclusion that it is a definite prostate cancer symptom.

5. Pain or burning during urination
Inflammation on the urethra due to the enlarged prostate may cause bacterial infection to occur, creating a burning sensation during urination, which might be mild or severe, depending on the infection rate. The prostate cancer patient might be unable to stand during urination, or they might be uncomfortable to pass urine in a bid to avoid the ordeal. Therefore, it is vital to seek treatment and diagnosis immediately once the burning sensations occur during urination.