Different Types of Substance Abuse

Different Types of Substance Abuse

When you consume drugs, which are illegal, or substances, which are legal but are taken in an incorrect manner or in more quantity than prescribed, it is known as substance abuse. Different types of alcohol and substance abuse exist. Here, we will talk about various kinds of substance abuse.  

Types of substance abuse

  • Alcohol
    Alcohol has a different impact on different individuals. Moreover, if you consume too much alcohol, you are prone to accidents or injuries. Excessive drinking can also put you at risk of health problems, such as liver cancer.
  • Tobacco products like cigarettes
    Many people do not regard tobacco as drugs. However, in tobacco, there’s a chemical known as nicotine, which can induce a sudden burst of energy in you. It also gives you a pleasant rush, and you may be addicted to the nicotine in cigarettes.
  • OTC (over-the-counter) or prescription drugs
    Just like illegal drugs, these prescription drugs can be dangerous, too. People abuse prescription drugs if they
    • Consume medication, which is prescribed for somebody else;
    • consume a particular drug for a reason, which is non-medical;
    • take the prescription drug in more dosage than recommended;
    • consume the prescription drug in any manner other than how it is recommended.

Usually, the OTC drugs, which people abuse are as follows:

  • Anxiety medications
  • Pain relievers, like Opioid
  • Medications meant for treating ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)

In addition to these, there are other OTC medications, too, which are commonly abused. These include medicines meant for cold and cough that contain dextromethorphan in them. Taking these medicines in a higher dosage than recommended can make one feel intoxicated or drunk.

  • Drugs
    Consumption of both illegal and legal drugs that can alter the normal functioning of your body or mind. Usually, people use drugs to ease their stress levels, attain some pleasurable high, or to avoid day-to-day problems.
  • Cocaine
    Cocaine is one of the most common drugs, which puts your entire body in a state of acceleration. So, as an after-effect of cocaine, you move, talk, and think faster than normal. Cocaine will make you feel exhilarated. However, it brings in mood swings, and you might get sudden bouts of anger.
  • Heroin
    Heroin is an illegal drug, which gives you a high and makes you feel good. However, when the impact of the drug wears off, things slow down. Your body and mind move slowly. At times, you might even experience symptoms, such as nervousness, nausea, and chills.
  • Marijuana
    There are some states where marijuana is a legal drug. A few even have made recreational pot legal. However, in most of the American countries, marijuana is still illegal. This drug might induce laughter or sleep.

So, these are all the different types of alcohol and substance abuse. It would help if you avoided these to live a healthy, happy life.