Difference between Cold and Flu

Difference between Cold and Flu

It may seem that the flu and common cold are very similar as both are respiratory illnesses, but they are caused by different viruses. Some symptoms of both the conditions are common, while some are unique. So how do we differentiate between them? Here’s a list of a few points of difference between cold and flu.


  • Symptoms
    The onset of the symptoms of a cold is gradual. It might start as just a sneeze or a cough and then build up to a cold and runny nose. The symptoms are generally mild and don’t cause any serious harm to one’s health. It is easily treatable and often resolves without medicines.
  • Timing
    A cold is not seasonal by any means, so one can catch a cold if they swim in cold water or eat something freezing. All seasons can be cold seasons, but the most common season for a cold is winter.
  • Treatment
    The common cold doesn’t have a cure but can be treated very easily. One doesn’t have to go to a doctor if they rest at home, keep warm, and drink plenty of fluids throughout the day. However, one should consult a doctor if the cold persists and is at risk of turning into pneumonia, which is very rare.
  • Prevention
    To avoid catching a cold, one should wash their hands regularly, keep themselves warm during winters, and sneeze into a tissue and discard it.

The Flu

  • Symptoms
    One of the major differences between cold and flu is that the symptoms for flu include coughing and sneezing, coupled with nausea, fatigue, chills, body ache, and fever. The symptoms are generally more intense than that of the common cold and can persist for longer. The tiredness from the flu can last for weeks after recovery, and the flu can lead to serious health problems if not treated properly.
  • Timing
    Flu is most likely to affect people between November and March. Sometimes, people can catch the flu even in October or as late as May. If one experiences the symptoms outside of the flu season, it may be a form of cold or an allergic reaction.
  • Treatment
    To treat the flu, people need plenty of rest and fluids throughout the day. In some cases, one can also opt for over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen to control the symptoms and bring down the fever. Aspirin should never be given to children as it can lead to other health problems. One should consult a doctor and start treatment within 48 hours of getting affected.
  • Prevention
    Getting the flu shot is the primary step to prevention. One should get the shot around the flu season and maintain proper hygiene during the flu season.

These are some of the differences between cold and flu. Adopting healthy habits can help keep both illnesses at bay.