7 Lifestyle Tips to Avoid Acid Reflux

7 Lifestyle Tips to Avoid Acid Reflux

Acid reflux, commonly called heartburn, occurs when the acids in the stomach flow back to the esophagus. This happens when the esophagus doesn’t work properly and is slightly damaged. While it can lead to a lot of discomfort, incorporating a few dietary and lifestyle changes can help prevent heartburn. Here’s a list of a few effective lifestyle tips to avoid acid reflux:

  • Eat slow
    A full stomach can cause heartburn, so try having five or six small meals throughout the day instead of having three big meals. This way, one can prevent overeating, and the meal will be digested easily by the stomach. This technique is sometimes called “grazing” and is an effective way to avoid acid reflux.
  • Avoid the trigger foods
    There are certain foods that people who experience heartburn should steer clear of. Junk, fried, and spicy foods are triggers for heartburn, and so are beverages like coffee and aerated drinks like coke. The best way to see whether the condition improves is to eliminate these foods from the diet and keep a check on the frequency of flare-ups.
  • Time the workout sessions
    If one works out just a few hours after eating, it can cause acid reflux. Vigorous exercise just a couple of hours after eating can strain the body and prevent the food from digesting properly, sending the acid back into the esophagus. A practical lifestyle tip to avoid acid reflux is to take up walking instead.
  • Shed the extra weight
    If one is obese, their muscles are spread due to the weight. This leads to the esophageal sphincter being exposed, due to which acid reflux can occur. One should get on a healthy routine of exercise and a balanced diet and stick to it religiously. Obesity can also cause other health conditions in the future.
  • Don’t lie down quickly
    Another helpful lifestyle tip to avoid acid reflux is to stop lying down immediately after a meal. One should try to stay upright or in sitting position for at least 2 hours, or they can walk to digest the food better. When a person does lie down, they should keep an extra pillow under their head to ensure that the head is elevated.
  • Quit smoking
    Smoking may be the primary reason for heartburn in some people, as it leads the stomach to produce more acid and weakens the esophageal sphincter. Additionally, it reduces the amount of saliva that helps neutralize the acid. Quitting the habit is an extremely helpful lifestyle tip to avoid acid reflux, and substituting cigarettes with a nicotine patch or gum can make it easier.
  • Medication check
    Some medicines like antidepressants or anti-inflammatory pain killers can relax the esophageal sphincter, which keeps the stomach acids away from the esophagus. People who take such medicines regularly may be susceptible to experiencing heartburn, so they can talk to a doctor for alternatives that can help.